現在有SUNAUDIO SV-6L6SX 的套件發售,(每套$10800),以便用家可以自由組合改裝這部潛質高超的好機,盡情去創作吧。遣憾是只有6套出售。

Now we have some SV-6L6SX in kit form at $10800. These are for those who want to assemble or modify the amplifier, and have a lot of fun. Only 6 pieces for sale.

現貨發售$14800 八五折

Now already on sale at $14800 with 15% discount.  Limited supply

曰本SUNAUDIO SV-6L6SX是一部非常有趣的放大器,它配上一對有初級包含5Kohm及8Kohm阻抗的輸出牛,而電源牛燈絲組亦有0-2.5V-6.3V的抽頭,故此可以改裝去配用不同的輸出功率管如名管45,EL34,6V6,VT25及多種歐洲編號的管子,選擇可說是尋出不窮的。

SUNAUDIO SV-6L6SX is a very interesting amplifier having a pair of output transformers with 5Kohm and 8Kohm on the primary, and the power transformer has taps on the filament windings(0-2.5V-6.3V). Therefore it can be modified to suit various types of tubes including the famous 45, EL34, 6V6 , VT-25 and other european tubes etc. The possibility is endless if you try hard enough.

SV-6L6SX 是日本 SUNAUDIO 最新推出的型號,看來是以此機取代已經生產近三十年並已停產的兩款舊機種,分別是 VT-6V6SE 及 SV-EL34。這款機所採用的功率管6L6GC能提供 6.5瓦的輸出,比6V6 4.5瓦高出近50%,而只略低於EL34的8瓦輸出而已。線路方面與SV-EL34差不多一個模様,差別只在於陰極及負回輸電阻的數值吧了。

Sunaudio has recently introduced a new model SV-6L6SX to replace the old model SV-6V6SE and SV-EL34 which had been in the product line for more than twenty years. The use of 6L6GC tube is a very good choice since it has an output power of 6.5W which is nearly 50% more than what we get from 6V6 (4.5W)and come close to the 8 watts output from EL34. The circuit construction remains nearly the same as the SV-EL34  with only some minor charge in the value of feedback resistors.

我們花了不少時間,用不同曲目的CD碟去徹底地測試這個新寶貝,而結論是十分簡單,SUNAUDIO 又再一次成功地創造出另一個奇蹟-用一個有限相當低廉的價錢去制造及推出一件非常美妙優秀的器材。
它的音色甜潤厚度或許北不上大哥 SV-2A3,但對音樂的演譯是更為生動鮮活及更有彈跳力,推動能明顯地高出很多,控制低音紙盤的能力尤其出眾。高音水晶般清晣而且伸延暢順,沒有硬朗粗糙令人煩厭的感覺,適合長時間欣賞各類樂章。我們相信它可以搭多種款式及類型的喇叭而演譯出動人的音符。

After making audition with this new power amplifier for some time and play through various of CDs, it is enough to say that Sunaudio has once again successfully made a wonderful amplifier at a very affordable price. Though not as sweet and musical as the big brother SV-2A3 it plays the music with more vividness and dynamics. The driving power is significantly better with authority in the control of the woofer. The highs are extended and clear without brightness that cause fatigue in long time listening. We expect that there should be a wide range of speakers that can be chosen for a superb performance.

IMG_20160716_221721[1] front前

IMG_20160716_221825[1] back後

IMG_20160716_215108[1] inside機內

DSC_0067[1]  schematic diagram線路圖


特性  Specifications for SV-6L6SX
Tubes  輸出管 6L6GC x2, 6SN7GT x2, 5U4G x1
Circuit Design  線路設計 Single-Ended class “A” operation with negative feedback 甲類工作工頁回輸
Power Output  輸出工率 6.5W + 6.5W
Input Impedance  輸入阻抗 100k ohms
Input Sensitivity  輸入敏度 300 mVs
Output Connections  輸出阻抗 8 ohms only
Frequency Response  頻應 20-20kHz/-3dB
Noise level  噪音 less than 2.5 mV
Power Supply  工作電壓 100, 120 and 220-240 VAC can be accepted at 50/60Hz (must select one) (*1)
AC Connector  電源接頭 Equipped built-in noise filter with detachable AC cord
Dimensions  尺寸 W360xH190xD270 mm
Weight  重量 16 kg