Update 8-2020

All stock sold. Thank you for enquiries.

千辛萬苦的終於經日本SUNAUDIO取到幾對TAKAYTSUKI TA-300B 極品,木盒對庒。


We have just received a few pairs of wonderful TAKATSUKI TA-300B tubes from Japan through Sunaudio.

We offer them at a resonable price of $13800/pair  only 2 pairs in stock. There are also some buyers from France.



These tubes are regarded one of the best 300B tubes available in the market at affordable price. Their sound quality is only second to the old vintage 300B tubes made in the 50s which now fetches around $50000/pair.

1430974996_ta-300b2e7c4891_tubesbox2_ta300bold type

201608192237592960TA-300B used on Sunaudio SV-300BE


Please read the report from 6 moons and you will have a rough idea on how good these tubes reaaly are:

擇要: 無可否認它是我這輩子聽到最好的300B灯胆,幼細圓滑,中頻飽滿而又有令人難以置信的能量,相信只有舊庒西電300B可以跟它比拼,而然價格合理,實為最頂級300B的不二之選。

Summary II: While the descriptive part was short, the listening preceding it was not. Instead of talking we listened to discs also from outside the comparative list. Those are by far the best tubes I heard in my life and only a direct comparison to the Western Electric 300B from old stock—really old and not from the last reissue—might change that assessment but I wouldn’t bet on it. The smoothness and midrange saturation coupled to incredible energy shattered not only me. The two Create Audio tubes are fantastic and unbeatable for the money. They differ from each other to introduce valid choice. But the Takatsuki is in another league (also financially) yet when you look for something at the top, there are only the old Western Electric or the modern TA-300B.